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Ethical Management

It is Hanchang Paper's primary goal to maintain horizontal and flexible organization,
promote communication among employees and pursue innovative thinking.
Our management and employees cherish a code of coducts at work
and all members endeavor to contribute to clients, shareholders, country and other public welfare.

Based on the company's core values and aims, employees at Hanchang Paper wish to keep a healthy work environment
and to be responsible for any interest parties.

Hanchang Paper employee code of conduct

Exercise fair performance of duties

Exercise fair performance of duties

  • Prohibition of unjustified demand and preferential treatment
  • Prohibition of requesting special consideration, exercising any rights related to company’s interests and extorting company’s money and goods
  • Fair transaction
Establishing a healthy internal order

Establishing a healthy internal order

  • Prohibition of discrimination, sexual harassment and workplace harassment
  • Counseling and reporting violations
Transparency of company Information and financial data

Transparency of company Information and financial data

  • Transparent accounting system
  • Transparent information management
  • IT system, personal information management

Ethical management activites


    A pledge of ethics


    Ethical management education


    Self-diagnosis of ethical consciousness


    Spread of ethical management